Since 2000 Chukotka Trading Company has build over 1000 residential, industrial and municipal buildings in Chukotka Autonomous Region.
List of just a few projects realized in the past years:
- 5-apartment residential building in Khatyrka village,
- 3 1-apartment and 2 9-apartment residential buildings in Markovo village,
- primary health center in Snejnoe village
- 8-apartment residential building in Konergino village
- educational center in Omolon village
- kindergarten (Uelen village)
- boiler stations with utility facilities ( Uelen and Lavrentia villages)
- swimming pool (Bilibino)
- capital repair of Chukotka regional hospital in Egvekinot
- capital repair of Chukotka regional hospital in Bilibino
- capital repair and construction of road "Egvekinot-Mys Schmidta"
- capital repair of public schools and educational centers (Neshkan, Vaegi, etc)
- churches